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Find the right commercial security solution.


Whether you’re assisting customers with routine business security, adopting new technology, developing a new project, or helping to restore a sense of safety after an intrusion, our security solutions make your job easy.


Stop security threats before they start.

Maybe you’ve heard about a local business that’s been broken into, or you want to secure a property or protect your customers, employees, or students. Whatever the need, we can help you prepare for the unexpected.

Make one call to address all your security needs.

We know how frustrating it is when you have to call multiple places and deal with multiple reps to find what you need. That’s why our team of professionals will assist with meeting your security and access needs and answer all of your questions—all in one place.

You can rely on us for your commercial security solution. We offer the following security services to help you protect your business:

Online access to and Total Connect
Medical monitoring and dispatch
Environmental supervision
UL-listed monitoring
And more
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