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Fire Alarms

Protect your organization with reliable fire alarms for businesses.


We know that no one wants to think about a fire destroying their property. With our 24/7 fire alarm monitoring service, you’ll be able to alarm employees and customers while we dispatch the appropriate authorities in a matter of minutes.


We are experts in fire alarm systems.

Not only do we offer the highest-quality, NICET-certified fire alarm and monitoring systems, but our certified fire door inspector—one of the few in Indiana—also performs annual tests for fire alarms and doors to make sure everything is up to code and working as it should.

We’ll handle regulations, settings, and monitoring.

We’ll handle the installation, connection, and setup of the fire alarm and monitoring services. Whether you’re looking for a simple system or one that is tied to a number of conditions, our experts can help.

We provide the following fire alarm services for commercial and industrial leaders:

Annual NFPA testing for alarms and doors
Local fire department dispatch
NICET-certified fire systems
No monthly fee
And more
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Ready for a fully integrated fire alarm system?