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Security & Monitoring

Monitor and protect your people and property with ease.


Whether you're recovering after an intrusion, proactively preventing one, preparing to restrict and monitor access and environments, or adopting new technology—our experts can help make the transition easy.


You shouldn’t have to worry about your safety or your customers’ safety, and you should be able to understand who is accessing areas. With guidance from our experts, you’ll get the exact security and monitoring system you need.

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Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is a smart move, especially considering it lowers the risk of intrusion and helps you visually monitor what’s going on. People are three times less likely to make poor choices when they know they’re being watched.

Fire Alarms

Mulhaupts fire alarm systems will promptly alert you (and us) if disaster strikes. With our 24/7 monitoring service, we’ll work within your protocols and can have the proper authorities dispatched in a matter of minutes.

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Entry and Access Control

With our entry access systems and other services, you can efficiently keep track of who’s coming and going, add new employee access, and easily restrict access to specific areas.

Environmental Monitoring

When you need to maintain temperature or humidity and monitor a specific environment, our experts can help guide you to the perfect solution.

Find a partner that offers fully connected solutions.